Friday, May 27, 2011

Topic 2: Designer Babies

This term "Designer Baby" is used by many journalists to describe a procedure where reproductive technologies now give power to parents and doctors to design the charateristics of their own child. From genetic disorders, healthy embryos, eye colour and even determine their height. Advanced technologies involve many techniques where InVitro Fertilisation is used to fertilise eggs with sperm in test tubes. Types of sperm is chosen to determine the sex and genes of the baby, then the screening of the embryos for a genetic disease. This process is better known as Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis.

The human research into genetic processes is advancing beyond our control. Its like people will never be satisfied with what they were given with by God and will always expect to have more using this technology. I admit, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis has many advantages for the future but is it really necessary that parents and doctors decide on whom their children will become? Through this ability, man kind is taking advantage of making perfect babies and imitating God as we speak. Not all people were born perfect and that is how it should be.

Though many people have considered this procedure to be abnormal, there are many proven advantages to designing their children the way they want them to be. A situation such as an ordinary family with recent history on many illnesses and diseases are more likely to conceive a child with the same symptoms. But through Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, parents are able to avoid disorders that the baby would develop as it grow, not only protective the baby but the people around as well. Nevertheless, if a technology such as this is presented to the public for cosmetic and medical purposes, society would quickly change their minds on portraying a "perfect" baby is wrong.

All in all, I believe that this procedure bears great problems. Though our research and technologies have made incredible breakthroughs in the past, some of us wonder what else can we do or if there is a limit. Designer babies have many advantages and disadvantages that will help society but it is also faced with great responsibility. In a matter of time, doctors will be able to do more than alter genetics such as eye and hair color but abuse this technology for its inhumane uses.

To conclude, Genetic Engineering should never be tampered with. At times, things are better left unsaid and let nature and God take its course.
